
The Conduct Process

Below you will find the university’s general outline of the judicial process in which conduct violations are resolved. 

  1. The Rutgers-Camden Office of Community Standards receives and investigates all reports of possible Code of Conduct violations.
  2. The Conduct Officer starts an Investigation. The Investigation may include meetings with the responding party, the complaint party, witnesses, and any other involved individuals. All parties will be given written notice of meeting time(s), their rights and responsibilities, a list of Campus Advisors, and any other necessary information as determined by the Conduct Officer. An investigation may not require meeting with all parties; the Conduct Officer will determine what meetings are necessary. The Investigation will determine the next step of the process.
  3. The Conduct Officer may:
  • close the case due to insufficient information.
  • request an Alternative Resolution option.
  • send a Finding Letter. Finding Letters are used for certain minor cases where the Conduct Officer has enough information to determine charges, find a student responsible and determine sanctions. The student will receive this information in writing and will have the opportunity to appeal within 10 working days. 
  • request an Administrative Conference. This is a more formal, recorded proceeding when the accused student can present information, evidence, witnesses on their behalf. The Conduct Officer will then determine charges, responsibility, and sanctions:   
If found Not Responsible, the case is closed.

If found Responsible and recommended sanctions are Non-Separable:
  1. The student can accept responsibility and recommended sanctions. The case will close when the sanctions are complete.
  2. The student can accept responsibility but appeal the sanctions within 10 working days of the Conduct Officer's decision. The Campus Appeals Committee will make a final determination.
  3. The student can deny responsibility within 10 days of the Conduct Officer's decision. The Campus Appeals Committee will make a final determination.
  • After an Investigation or Administrative Conference, the Conduct Officer may find enough information to suggest Separation from the University:
  1. A University Hearing will be convened. A University Hearing is a more formal process, in which the University Hearing Board (a panel of students and faculty/staff) considers information presented by the parties and determines whether the student is responsible for the charges. If the student is found responsible, the panel will recommend a sanction.
  2. If found Responsible, the student can appeal to the Campus Appeals Committee for a determination
  3. If the CAC determines responsibility and separation as a sanction, the student can appeal to the Senior Student Affairs Officer for a final determination.


If you are concerned for the immediate health and safety of the student you are reporting or someone else, please call 911 or the Rutgers Police Department at 856-225-6009.

Find out more about the different forms you can use to report concerns and address specific needs.